Friday, October 31, 2008

Parents I'm sorry this is so big but this is just a lesson plan for one of my classes so you can just look past this if you would like. This is a 4th grade lesson.

Utah Valley State College
Teacher Education Program
Lesson Planning Guide

Name: Emily Schroeder and Jennifer Frehner Date October 30, 2008 Time 3-7 pm
Grade Level: 4th Subject: Social Studies

I. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard(s)
Standard 2Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.
Students will understand: How Butch Cassidy was defined as a hero.

II. Lesson Objective(s)/Goal(s)
a. The student will know: What heroes are.
b. The students will do: Given information about digital storytelling and about heroes, like Butch Cassidy, students will create a digital story using the rubric.

III. Preparation (teacher materials, student materials, etc.)
Teachers Materials:
-Websites to help teach digital storytelling
-History of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
-Computer to show digital story
Student Materials:
-Websites to learn about digital storytelling
-History of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, also access to computer to find other “heroes”
-Computer to create digital story

IV. Technology Use:
a. Computer for:
i. Viewing digital story
ii. Creating digital story
b. Digital Storytelling Websites:
c. Digital Story:
i. Butch Cassidy

V. Instructional Procedures:
a. Ask students if they know what digital storytelling is.
b. Have students go to the websites is groups to learn about digital storytelling. They will learn about digital stories and creative commons.
c. Students will view digital story Butch Cassidy
d. Students will be able to play around with Photo Story 3.
e. Students will put in groups and given heroes.
f. In their groups they will create a digital story about a hero that they have chosen.
g. When stories are completed we will share them in class.

VI. Evaluation of Student Progress
a. Pre-assessment: Students will know about heroes and how they effect who we are.
b. Formative: Observe the students as they, play with Photo Story 3 and visit the websites to learn about digital storytelling.
c. Post-assessment: Students create digital story based on rubric (see below)

Rubric for Digital Storytelling:

1. Must be 2-3 minutes in length 15
2. Must narrate the pictures 15
3. Must have credits pages 10
4. Must customize motion of pictures 10

Total: 50

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I'm so excited for tomorrow! This should be a pretty relaxed day in Kindergarten. We will be doing some Halloween activities and I'm so excited to see all of the children's costumes! They have been talking about them for weeks so it should be fun for everyone to see each others and do some Halloween activities! Anyway your children are still doing great and I will be making a couple posts over the weekend kind of updating you on what is coming up for November. If you need anything please feel free to call or e-mail! Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thank you Parents

I really enjoyed meeting with all of you this last Friday. I'm happy that we were able to look at your students progress and set up a couple goals for us to work on over the next couple months. Class is going great and I really hope that you all take advantage of the resources I gave you to get a hold of me. I really want to make sure your child is learning all they can this year.

Like I mentioned to all of you, the next Unit we will be starting is Health and Safety. I'm really getting excited for the plans that me and Tammy have in mind. We are looking at going to a Fire Station and learning how they run things there, also we hope to get a Dental Assistant in to talk with the kids about how to keep their teeth healthy. We should have a lot of fun and learning experiences this November. This Unit will begin on November 3 and take 3-4 weeks.

Thanks again for coming and letting me be a part of your children's education. I'm excited to continue watching them learn!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Parent Teacher Night

Friday we went to the farm! It was so fun to be able to go and have a learning experience outside of our classroom. I hope we have a lot more opportunities for this in the next couple months! I just want to remind all of you about our Parent teacher night that is coming up this Friday. I'm excited to share your students progress with you and set goals that we would both like to see them reach! We are having a great year so far and I'm looking forward to what we have to come. Thanks for all your support and if you have questions please let me know!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Farm Unit

Hey We have been having so much fun talking about farm animals the last couple weeks! Our class play is tomorrow and the kids are getting so excited for our classes version of The Little Red Hen. We have had a lot of fun cooking, exploring and reading about the farm! Next week is going to be our last week in this unit. We will be visiting a farm next friday and at this farm they are having a scarecrow contest. We will be working on making a scarecrow during class this next week and will take it with us to the farm. If any of you parents have supplies or suggestions that can help us please let me know. Thanks for all your help so far this year! Im excited to get to know you all better at our parent teacher night. Thanks for letting me teach your children!

Germs are not for sharing